February 25, 2005 the charity and support foundation “Vilties sala” signed a cooperating agreement with Trakai police department that aims to assure the support of welfare recipients, to encourage their participation in activities of society, preventing criminality among people who have low income, and to participate in governmental programs for criminality prevention. With reference to this agreement, Trakai police department received charity that consisted of cloth, lining, tags, threads, zippers, strips and other garment for 163.847 Lt The charitable foundation received these goods from the company “BALTIC TIKA”.
Labdaros ir paramos fondo „Vilties sala“ direktorius Saulius Andrašiūnas ir Trakų policijos komisariato viršininkas Alvydas Tamašauskas pasirašo bendradarbiavimo sutartį.
During every visit in Lithuania, the representatives of the charity and support foundation arrange trips for Norwegian charitable organization LITAUENHJELPEN to the supported organizations of the foundation. The Norwegian colleagues from the foundation learn about the activities of these organizations, their employees and foster-people. They participate in distribution of the charity that they brought and learn about people’s needs.
Hans German Flatland with his colleague visits Kedainiai community social center, familiarizes with its activities and employees. In this room they organize employment during which mentally retarded adults learn trades.
April 2005
The leader of Kedainiai community social center Ruta Kaupiene, the director of the charity and support foundation Saulius Andrasiunas and guests from Norway visited a hostel where a lodging-house supported by the center was established. There live many welfare recipients and families.
April 2005
The same delegation brought charity to Vilnius 2nd children foster home.
April 2005

The employees of Kedainiai community social center often organize thanks feasts to their supporters. A concert and meeting with other supporters of the

August 2005, the employees of the foundation invited the Norwegian delegation to the Onuskis secondary school in Trakai that was being renovated. The school received charity of Norwegian paints for inside and outside work.

January 2006, Hans German Flatland together with the employees of the foundation visited Kapciamiestis organizations and institutions in Lazdijai district that were supported by the foundation. The photos show the meeting with Kapciamiestis education and support center “Zidinys” employees and foster-people. The foster-people from this center revealed their talents to the guests: they danced, sang, gave their guests needlework, etc.

During the same visit the employees of the foundation and guests from Norway visited Pazaislis monastery and gave a part of charity to preventive employment center “Rafaelis”. Later the charity and support foundation “Vilties sala” and the preventive employment center signed an agreement. In the photo from the left: the director of the foundation Saulius Andrasiunas, the psychologist of the center Juste Gervyte, the employee of the center sister Julita and Hans German Flatland
During Norwegian delegation visit in January 2006, one more nice and important event took place. Many nicely wrapped presents were sent to Lithuania by Norwegian children that attended kindergartens. A part of these presents was given to foster-people of Kapciamiestis education and support center “Zidinys”. Norwegian children asked to give other presents to children of Kaunas kindergarten “Klumpele
During Norwegian delegation visit in January 2006, one more nice and important event took place. Many nicely wrapped presents were sent to Lithuania by Norwegian children that attended kindergartens. A part of these presents was given to foster-people of Kapciamiestis education and support center “Zidinys”. Norwegian children asked to give other presents to children of Kaunas kindergarten “Klumpele
Lithuanian children gave their friends from Norway souvenirs, cards and pictures that were made by children themselves.

Director of foundation Saulius Andrasiunas with employees of preventive employment Centrum “Rafaelis” Juste Gervyte and sister Sigita in Pazaislis.